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Upcoming Conferences
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SIDM2023 Cleveland
SIDM2023 Utrecht
SIDM2022 Minneapolis
Schedule at a glance
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Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 1 - Sunday, October 16, 2022
8:00am - 12:00pm
Pre-conference Courses
12:00 - 2:00pm
Lunch and Learn: The Color of Care – Film Screening
2:00 - 2:30pm
The Future of Diagnosis
2:30 - 3:45pm
Plenary 1 - Dx: Racism: The Role of Diagnostic Error in Maternal Health Inequities
3:45 - 4:00pm
4:00 - 5:00pm
SIDM Talks: “Imagine a Future where Diagnosis is…”
5:00 - 6:00pm
Poster Session 1: Clinical Vignettes, Education, Patient Engagement, Practice Improvement, Scientific
5:00 - 6:00pm
Welcome and Networking Reception - Marriott City Center
6:45 - 8:45pm
Dinner with the Experts
Upcoming Conferences
Past Conferences
SIDM2023 Cleveland
SIDM2023 Utrecht
SIDM2022 Minneapolis